
New World Wyrdwood Locations

New World Wyrdwood locations are places where you can find Wyrdwood trees in New World. Different regions have different concentrations of Wyrdwood trees; some even have none. However, you need to find this resource to make Wyrdwood Planks to craft weapons and other gear. That’s why, in our New World Wyrdwood Locations guide, we’ll give you some New World Wyrdwood Maps and explain how to get Wyrdwood Planks.

New World Wyrdwood Locations

There are a number of New World Wyrdwood locations scattered all across the map. When it comes to stating areas, the best one to farm Wyrdwood in is Brightwood, specifically in the center and the northeast. They also appear in the east of Weaver’s Fen and in the center and east of Everfall, but not nearly as much. Windsward also has some Wyrdwood “deposits,” but they’re negligible.

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When it comes to other areas, Wyrdwood seems to be most numerous around the lakes of Edengrove, the south and north of Mourningdale, and the east, northeast, and southeast of Great Cleave. Obviously, these areas are significantly more difficult to farm in, so I don’t super-recommend it unless you can take it. That’s why we’ll only provide you maps for Wyrdwood tree locations in the three starting areas where it’s most bountiful and Mourningdale, which you might be able to handle.

How to Get Wyrdwood Planks in New World

There are only two ways to get Wyrdwood Planks in New World, to the best of my knowledge. The first one is crafting, for which you’ll need to know the New World Wyrdwood tree locations, which we’ve explained above. To craft Wyrdwood Planks, you’ll need 6x Wyrdwood, 2x Lumber, and 1x Sandpaper. Take your stuff to the workbench and make yourself some fancy planks.

That’s the only way to get them on your own, because the only other option is going to a Trading Post and seeing whether other players are willing to sell some Wyrdwood Planks. By the way, you’re gonna need these in order to craft certain weapons and other gear, so do try to craft them instead, lest another player overcharge you when you need the resource the most.


Martina Birk

Update: 2024-06-03